
100,000 Tehrani children and their families chant Salute Commander anthem

Tehran, IRNA – More than 100,000 Tehrani children and their family members gathered at Tehran’s Azadi Football Stadium on Thursday to chant the “Salute Commander” anthem.

The Tehrani families gathered at the capital Tehran’s Azadi Stadium to chant “Salute, Commander”, an epical song that has recently made a lot of excitement throughout Iran and even far beyond.

The relatively newly composed anthem “Salute Commander” is addressed to the 12th Shi’a Imam Mahdi (AS), and is a sign of the nation’s readiness to welcome him as soon as his reappearance after centuries of living in absence from the people’s eyes.

According to the Shi’a Muslims, and some Sunni schools of thought, Imam Mahdi (AS) is the last of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) pure progeny, who will reappear from the unseen world, accompanied by Jesus Christ (PBUH), and fill the world with love and justice after being filled with injustice and hatred after a global campaign.

“Salute Commander”, which is composed for the children and young adults was first song on the blessed birth anniversary of Imam Mahdi (AS) on March, 18, 2022, and ever since then gained popularity among the Iranian young generation as a viral song.

Many groups of Iranian children and young adults have throughout the past few months and weeks song this anthem in different Iranian large and small cities in large groups and the video clips of the anthems of the song has been forwarded among various social networks as a popular musical piece.

The anthem in parts also addresses Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, assuring him that the Iranian children will fill the gap created by the sad assassination of Martyr Lieutenant General Qasem Soleimani in January 2020, in a terrorist act committed by the American forces in Iraq.

The anthem has also been translated into some Iranian ethnic groups, such as the Azeri Iranians, and song by groups enthusiastically.



Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA