
20% progress of Shiraz-Bushehr-Assaluyeh railway project after 14 years not justifiable/ Delay in project implementation causes waste of resources, equipment wear

The President described the connection to the railway lines as one of the basic demands of the people of Bushehr province and said, “We are determined to accelerate the completion and launch of the Shiraz-Bushehr-Assaluyeh railway project”.

Speaking in a field visit aimed at removing obstacles to the completion of the Shiraz-Bushehr-Assaluyeh railway, Ayatollah Dr Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi called the 20 percent progress of this project after about 14 years unjustifiable and said, “The project managers should redouble their efforts to complete and launch this railway, and it is necessary to jump start the process of completing it”.

The president said, “Delays in the implementation of projects will cause a waste of resources and equipment wear, so there must be serious efforts to complete the projects and the credits of this project must be included in next year’s budget”.

Referring to the vast and diverse capacities of Bushehr province, Mr Raisi said, “With the huge capacities that exist in the province, the people of this region should not face problems such as water shortage and we should all try to create favourable conditions for the peace of mind of the people”.

The President emphasised, “The problems of Bushehr province can be solved and we in the government are determined to follow up and finalise the projects in the province that have not been completed “.

During the visit of Ayatollah Raisi, the Minister of Roads and Urban Development and local officials presented a report on the latest status of the construction of the Shiraz-Bushehr-Assaluyeh railway.

Source: Presidency of Islamic Republic of Iran