
22 Bahman was the manifestation of divine power in the capable hands of the great people of Iran under the leadership of our great Imam

Referring to the position of the victory of the Islamic Revolution, the President said, “Bahman 22 (February 11) is the day of Allah and the manifestation of divine power in the capable hands of the great people of Iran under the leadership of our great Imam.”

Speaking on Friday in his speech before the Friday prayer sermon on the occasion of the anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution and the commemoration of the 11 February 1979 in Tehran Mosalla, and said, “I would like to congratulate the victory of the Islamic Revolution to the people of Iran and the free people of the world”.

The President added, “I would like to commemorate the memory of Imam Khomeini and the great martyrs of the Islamic Revolution and send greetings to their high spirits”.

Emphasising that moving away from the people is moving away from the glorious Islamic Revolution, the President said, “In these days, what is necessary for all of us and all those who care about the Islamic Revolution, especially our young generation, is to know the Islamic Revolution, especially its identifying elements”.

Emphasising that the “identifying elements of the Islamic Revolution” must be accurately explained, Dr Raisi referred to the Supreme Leader’s statements on “Jihad of Enlightenment” and said, ” Jihad of Enlightenment ” is one of the most necessary matters and its dimensions must continue to be stated”.

Referring to the identifying elements of the Islamic Revolution, the President stated, “One of the important elements is the religious identity of the Islamic Revolution”.

Dr Raisi described “independence-seeking”, “freedom-seeking”, “justice-seeking” as other elements of this revolution and noted, “This revolution is justice-seeking within itself. The element of justice can never be separated from the Islamic Revolution, because within the Islamic Revolution, justice-seeking, anti-oppression and anti-corruption are institutionalised”.

Regarding the characteristics of the oppressive regime of the Shah, Dr Raisi said, “That oppressive regime was the full manifestation of tyranny, dictatorship, submission to the dominating powers and arrogance against the will of the people”.

Ayatollah Raisi stated, “The Islamic Revolution came to overthrow this corrupt regime, which was supported by the dominating powers, and to establish a system based on religion and what the people have repeatedly shouted “independence, freedom, the Islamic Republic”.

The President added, “The glorious victory of the Islamic Revolution marked a civilisation that was a new civilisation in the name of Islam and the Republic, as opposed to the civilisations that formed the polarisation of the world”.

Dr Raisi continued, “What is clear is that the slogans of the Islamic Revolution are innate and universal slogans and are related to the nature of all human beings”.

He said, “What the Islamic Revolution is shouting is independence, national dignity, brotherhood, denial of domination and oppression”.

Ayatollah Raisi added, “We neither seek to dominate anywhere in the world, nor we give up our independence, and we are not willing to oppress anyone in the world; These are among the principles of the Islamic Revolution that are still stable”.

Dr Raisi added, “These values are values that people have always emphasised, so you see Iranians everywhere in the world are proud of this revolution. Today, not only the Muslim people of the world, but also the non-Muslim people, but the freedom-loving and justice-loving people of the world, the deprived and the oppressed in all parts of the world, love this revolution”.

He said, “The slogans of the Islamic Revolution are rational slogans and today not only the great nation of Iran, but also the nations of the world have high hopes for this revolution”.

The President stated, “The revolutionary spirit, vision and action and adherence to these principles are still emphasised by people all over the world”.

The President continued, “The late Imam Khomeini and the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution presented a political school in contrast to the political schools of the world, which has some characteristics. The first indicator of this political school is “sincerity”.

Ayatollah Raisi said, “The second point in the political school is “attention to the republic and the people”. The late Imam and the Supreme Leader do not consider people as a political and ceremonial thing”.

The President added, “Today, we are proud that in the popular administration, we have put the republic and the people and justice in the sense that the important goal of the Islamic Revolution as the main axis in the government”.

The President stated, “The fourth element that is very important in the political school of the Imam and the Supreme Leader is anti-oppression and anti-arrogance of the Islamic Revolution”.

Dr Raisi added, “There is still a long way to go before we can have economic independence as political independence in the country. All capacities are ready for economic independence, but some misconceptions, some apprehensions, and some versions that did not fit the original versions of the Islamic Revolution have caused some backwardness”.

Ayatollah Raisi stated that the Imam and the Supreme Leader have always emphasised on national unity and cohesion, and specified, “All tastes, far from any differences under the banner of this country and this system, must not allow this unity and cohesion to be damaged”.

Regarding the government’s efforts to protect the lives of the people, Ayatollah Raisi said, “The day we started took office, 700 people were losing their lives every day because of coronavirus. But today, thanks to God Almighty and the help of the people and health officials, the situation is different”.

Dr Raisi said, “Thanks to God Almighty, today there is no concern about the stocks of basic goods in the country. The country will move towards production when it is based on investment and increasing productivity. Today, the country’s capacities are identified and everyone is directed towards production and productivity”.

Dr Raisi emphasised, “Our relations in foreign policy are to create a balance. Looking to the west has made the country unbalanced. We must pay attention to all countries and capacities, especially our neighbours. But we hope in God, we hope in Khuzestan, in Khorasan, in Azerbaijan, east, west, north and south of the country, and we never hope in Vienna and New York”.

The President added, “I want to tell the boys, girls and young people of the country that the future is very bright and hopeful”.

Source: Presidency of Islamic Republic of Iran