Foreign Affairs

3800 Iranian Hajj pilgrims arrive in Saudi Arabia

Some 3,800 Iranian pilgrims have so far arrived in Saudi Arabia for performing their annual Hajj pilgrimage, according to a senior official with the country’s Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization.

Vahid Eskandari told IRNA that the Iranian pilgrims have been sent to Saudi Arabia from Tabriz, Kerman and Tehran’s Imam Khomeini airports.

Noting that the first flight took the Iranian pilgrims to Saudi Arabia on June 12, he said that the number of flights to the country will be increased to 8 or 9 flights a days as of Wednesday (June 15).

He said that the dispatch of the Iranian pilgrims to Saudi Arabia will continue until July 4.

As many as 39,630 Iranians will be dispatched for this year’s annual Hajj pilgrimage.

Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA