
A mysterious murder of a man at the hands of his wife’s lover after an agreement with the wife was revealed in Basra

The Basra Governorate Police Command revealed the circumstances of the mysterious murder of a man at the hands of his wife’s lover after an agreement with the wife in Al-Haritha district.

The Command stated in a statement: The detachments of the Basra Crime Control Department were able to uncover a mysterious murder of a man that occurred within Al-Haritha district, noting that due to the mystery of the incident, the investigative papers related to the case were referred to the Anti-Crime Division in Al-Haritha, where a work team was formed and moved to the scene of the accident.

It added, “After investigating, gathering information, and confronting the victim’s wife with the evidence, she collapsed and frankly confessed that she had arranged with her lover to kill her husband.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency