
Afghanistan meeting good opportunity for neighborhood policy

Tehran, IRNA – Neighborhood policy as an international approach based on elements such as geographical aspects and good neighborliness norms can pave the way for using opportunities and avoiding threats; so, when it comes to Afghanistan, it can be said that holding a meeting of neighboring states of Afghanistan can prove that the policy works.

Following the controversial military pull-out of the United States from Afghanistan, where the Americans invaded in 2001 and kept their military presence until 2021, neighboring states of the war-stricken country have found an opportunity to pursue their own initiatives such as neighborhood policy.

Afghanistan has been gripped with wars, destruction, poverty, and different social, economic, and political woes; so, some analysts are of the opinion that the escape of NATO forces from the country shows the world cannot do anything tangible for Afghanistan when the US is absent, but in fact, Iran’s initiative named “Neighborhood Policy” provides neighboring states with the opportunity to find a way out of the 50-year-old dilemma and retrieve the marginalized paradigm in international relations.

It is worth mentioning that neighborliness is a situation that can help turn ethical, religious and other issues into sources of cooperation and tolerance; so, the neighborhood policy can serve as a good paradigm to find ways out of regional crises.

A big part of the existing crisis in Afghanistan comes from domestic discord and foreign invasion. Now, after 20 years of US interference in the country, Afghan factions have found the opportunity to find a way out of the long-term quagmire and step into the path of peace, security and stability.

The role of neighboring states of Afghanistan is now very important because they can help pave the ground for the establishment of an inclusive government in the war-torn country and assist Kabul to strengthen mutual and regional ties with other nations based on the neighborhood policy initiative of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA