Foreign Affairs

Al-Salihi condemns the continuation of the systematic, aggressive Zionist attacks on Lebanon

The Head of the Human Rights Committee in the Parliament and member of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, Arshad Al-Salihi, issued a statement condemning the brutal attacks launched by the Zionist entity against innocent civilians in Lebanon and Gaza, describing these attacks as a “flagrant violation” of all international laws related to human rights.

He explained in his statement that “these ongoing crimes confirm beyond a shadow of a doubt that international resolutions and treaties have become mere ink on paper, in the absence of any effective international efforts to limit these blatant violations.”

He pointed out that these aggressive acts constitute a clear threat to peace and stability in the region, calling on the international community, especially the member states of the Security Council, to assume their responsibilities and take firm measures to stop these attacks and hold the entity accountable for its ongoing crimes against civilians.

In the same context, Al-Salihi praised the position of the sup
reme religious authority in Iraq in supporting and expressing solidarity with the brotherly Lebanese people. He also appreciated the role of the Iraqi government in condemning the attacks and expressing its full solidarity with Lebanon, stressing full solidarity with the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples, calling on international human rights and humanitarian organizations to intensify their efforts to stop these crimes and achieve international justice.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency