
Al-Sistani calls for resignation of officials who are negligent in combating drugs and to work on purging the security services of corrupt people

The supreme religious authority, Sayyid Ali al-Sistani, renewed the forbidding of all types of drugs, the forbidding of dealing with them, and the forbidding of the money obtained through them, calling for the resignation of officials who are negligent in combating drugs and purging the security services concerned with combating drugs from their corrupt elements.

This came in a legal response to a question received by his office from the Cultural Knowledge Foundation.

The office of the religious authority, al-Sistani, called in its legal responses to boycott dealing with anyone who smuggles or trades drugs, and there is no difference in the forbidding of drug trade and transportation.

The office of the religious authority, al-Sistani, stressed that “those officials who are negligent in combating drugs in performing their duties are committing a double sin and must resign,” adding, “The higher authorities that hold the reins of affairs have a major responsibility in purging the security and judicial service
s from the corrupt.”

He called on cultural and religious centers and institutions, each in his position, to educate people to remove the danger of drugs from society, noting that ‘the repentance of anyone who used to use drugs and repented and continued treatment until the final stages and never returned to drugs is accepted.’

Source: National Iraqi News Agency