
Al-Sudani: The competent jihad fatwa was not directed at one component without another

The Prime Minister, Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, affirmed: “The fatwa of the competent jihad was not addressed to one component to the exclusion of another, rather it was to all the free people in our dear country.”

Al-Sudani said in a statement: The ninth anniversary of the announcement of the fatwa of the competent jihad, launched by the supreme authority, Sayyid Ali al-Sistani.

He added: The blessed fatwa came to thwart a great scheme that not only targeted Iraq, but the entire region, when the hands of ISIS terrorism extended and its dark forces invaded large areas of our beloved country.

He stressed that the fatwa of the sufficient jihad was not addressed to one gentleman rather than another, but rather to all the free people of the components and spectra in our dear country, so it became a major reason for the unity of the Iraqis who were surrounded by danger from every side, so their blood was mixed at that time while they were repelling the danger from their country, as the Iraqi convoys set out towards Shields of honor and dignity in order to restore the land and liberate it from those criminal terrorist gangs.

He continued, “As we remember this great fatwa, we remember with it the great martyrs who sacrificed their blood in response to the call of the great reference, and we also promise our people that their current government will be up to the responsibility entrusted to it to preserve the trust, and take care of the families of the martyrs and the injured, for this is a debt that we owe. Our government will continue day and night for all Iraqis to live in safety and security, enjoy dignity, and enjoy pride in their country.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency