
Al-Wefaq indicates what Pope dissected with Bahrain’s Crown Prince

Tehran, IRNA – Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society shows some of what Roman Catholic Church Leader Pope Francis has dissected with Bahrain’s Crown Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa in his recent visit to Bahrain.

According to Al-Wefaq, Pope Francis has discussed with Bahrain’s Crown Prince & Prime Minister the events of 2011, and the subsequent measures taken by the regime.

The Pope has called for exerting further practical efforts to turn the page of 2011 and overcome its entire political, human rights & security repercussions, it added.

Al-Wefaq further noted that the Pope has also stressed the need for all Bahrainis to enjoy security, tranquility, and a decent life alike.

He has affirmed the need to stop sectarian discrimination & achieve justice and equity – at all levels – speaking – in detail – about political prisoners, exiles & death row detainees, Al-Wefaq underlined.

It highlighted that the Pope has demanded too that these files be resolved in a way that guarantees security and peace of mind for all citizens.

This is in addition to the Pope’s direct talk with Bahrain’s King on the ongoing crisis between the government and the people, in which he was frank & explicit, it added.


Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA