
Ammunition Depot Exploded After Ukrainian Drone Attack On Crimea

Russia announced that the Ukrainian forces targeted infrastructure sites in the Crimea, with drones, which led to an explosion in an ammunition depot.

Sergei Aksenov, the pro-Russian ruler in Crimea, said in a statement: “Ukraine launched a raid using drones on infrastructure sites in “Krasno” and “Gvardisky” regions of Crimea, and that the drones attacked an ammunition depot in Crimea, indicating that there were no casualties.

Aksenov stated that the decision was taken to evacuate people within a radius of five kilometers in order to reduce the risks, in addition to suspending the movement of trains on the railways in Crimea.

Earlier, media reports stated that the movement of cars across the bridge has returned to normal after a temporary suspension, in order to preserve the safety of civilians.

Traffic on the bridge was stopped last Monday, due to an attack that killed two people, and the bridge recently returned to full service after being damaged by an explosion in last October.

This attack comes after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy declared that the bridge linking Crimea to Russia was a “legitimate military target.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency