Foreign Affairs

An Israeli soldier and a Palestinian attacker killed in a run-over attack in the West Bank

An Israeli soldier was run over in an attack carried out by a Palestinian using a truck at a military checkpoint between Israel and the West Bank, before he was killed in turn, in a continuation of the violence and tension that has existed for months.

Today, Thursday, the army said that four soldiers were wounded in the attack, one of whom later died. The dead man was Maxim Molchanov, 20, from Ukraine.

The Magen David Adom Agency announced that a 15-year-old Palestinian man and a couple were also injured when the attacker hit their car while he was fleeing.

The police spoke in a statement, “about a run-over accident near the Maccabim checkpoint,” noting that “the truck driver fled before he was neutralized near the Hashmonaim checkpoint.”

The head of the Central Command of the Police, Avi Biton, told reporters at the scene of the attack that the driver was a 41-year-old Palestinian from the West Bank with a work permit in Israel, confirming his death.

The attack took place on the Israeli side of the Maccabim military checkpoint, located between the town of Modi’in (central Israel) and the West Bank, which Israel has occupied since 1967.

Biton indicated that “the people who were hit by the truck were soldiers,” and one of them was killed.

A Palestinian security source confirmed that the attacker was from Deir Ammar camp, northwest of Ramallah, and was called Dawood Abdel Razeq Fayez, and he had a family of six. The Palestinian Ministry of Health confirmed his identity and death.

According to the Ministry of Defense, the army forces present at the Hashmonaim checkpoint alerted the Maccabiem checkpoint that the truck was heading towards it.

In a press briefing online, an official in the Israeli Ministry of Defense, who preferred not to be identified, said that the attack took place on the Israeli side of the checkpoint, adding that the attacker “was on his way to the checkpoint when he saw a group of soldiers and turned around to hit them,” noting that the soldiers there were out of service and they were returning to their homes.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency