
Analyst: Majority of US citizens in favor of resolving Iran’s nuclear issue diplomatically

New York, IRNA – Famous American analyst Giorgio Cafiero has elaborated on the reasons behind US delay for returning to the nuclear deal with Iran, saying that the majority of the US citizens are in favor of resolving the Iranian nuclear issue diplomatically.

“The majority of the US citizens are in favor of resolving the Iranian nuclear issue diplomatically meaning that bringing the United States back into the JCPOA is the popular move in terms of public opinion. yet it is no secret that there are interest groups in the United States that are strongly oppose to the JCPOA and there are also some US allies and partners in the Middle East which are also opposed to the nuclear deal and these foreign governments have influence over Biden’s foreign policy agenda,” Cafiero told IRNA.

“Initially when Biden presidency began the White House was of the view that by sustaining the pressure that which the Trump administration built up on Iran, the thinking was that the US would able to gain more and push Iran toward making some concessions which Biden believed would serve the US interests, “he said.

“At this point it seemed quite clear that one of the Trump Administration’s tactics in relation to the JCPOA was to create conditions that would make it extremely difficult politically speaking for a future administration to revive the JCPOA at a later date, he added.

“The decision by the Trump administration to designate the IRGC as a terrorist organization was an important part of that strategy as cynical as it may be I think that this policy was quite successful in terms of what the Trump administration was seeking to achieve,” the American analyst said.

He went on to say that the 2022 is a mid-terms election year in the United States and in the face of the economic challenges such as inflation and high gas prices, Biden has concerns about how the vote in November will go.

“The Republicans are putting a tremendous amount of pressure on the White House to avoid dealing with Iran diplomatically,” he stressed.

“Any move that the Biden Administration makes which can brighten the prospects for the restoration of the JCPOA will face extremely backlash from the Republicans and therefore Biden has to consider these domestic factors as he is making decisions about the JCPOA and the US’s approach toward Iran in general, he said.

“Tensions that have built up between the US and Iran recently also create an environment where it is easier for Republicans to go on the offensive and attack Biden for any moves which he makes which were aimed at reviving 2015 nuclear deal which the US signed when Joe Biden was the vice president,” he stated.

Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA