
Anbar Operations of the PMF: ISIS Movements In The Desert South Of Rutba

The Anbar Operations Commander of the Popular Mobilization Forces, Qassem Musleh, said that the high coordination in Anbar Governorate between the security sectors, especially the Popular and Tribal Mobilization Forces, is at its highest levels.

He added that the specific operations that were carried out in the past days were joint, and there is an exchange of intelligence information, and there is a good environment for security work in the Anbar sector, with movements of ISIS cells deep in the desert of southern Rutba.

Musleh indicated that the past few days witnessed specific operations by the PMF in Anbar, according to intelligence information, that numbers of ISIS in the desert south of Rutba took dust roads towards the valleys of Jazira desert, south of Al-Qaim.

He stressed that the popular and tribal Mobilization forces worked in high coordination, and the coming days will witness security operations on targets of sleeper cells of terrorism in Anbar.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency