
Anti-Iran sanction policy no more beneficial for US: Expert

Tehran, IRNA – The incumbent administration in the United States does not have enough motivation to intensify sanction policy against Iran, because the sanctions are no more directly effective and their indirect impact on softening up Iranians’ nuclear stances are insignificant, a political analyst opines.

Esfandiar Khodai, an expert in American affairs, told IRNA on Thursday that leveling allegations by the United States against the Islamic Republic ahead of the new round of talks in Vienna, Austria, is natural, as the sides want to charge each other of wasting time and not being seriousness; although, Washington is not in a position now to have a say in dealing with Tehran, because the Americans are the one who withdrew from the 2015 nuclear deal.

According to the analyst, imposing sanctions on Iran is not beneficial for the US itself, because Iranians’ reactions when it comes to increasing the level of uranium enrichment and scaling back from their commitments under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) are not in line with the United States’ intention, when they decided to withdraw from the deal in May 2018 and re-impose sanctions on the Islamic Republic.

Power balance will determine the result of negotiations in Vienna, he said, noting that the US is in a weak position and the American pullout from Afghanistan proves the matter.

In Iran, there is an administration who was criticizing the JCPOA; so, the issue can be a source of strength for Iranian negotiators in Vienna talks, the analyst said, adding that the US is able to put more pressures on Iran, but it seems to be unlikely because such a policy would be in contrary to the American national interests and it will bring about costs for the country.

The Zionist lobby tries to push forward the White House towards making decisions that are against the US interests, he added.

As to Iran’s winning cards in Vienna talks, Khodai noted that stability and unity between the Islamic establishment and the Iranian people can promote the Western powers to pursue interaction and diplomacy in dealing with the country and that increasing the level of uranium enrichment is not the only card of the Islamic Republic in the talks, because Tehran can provide China and Russia with economic incentives, which can also affect Americans’ stances on negotiating table.

Rhetoric on entering a military conflict with Iran will be costly for Israel and undermines its own security, he said, noting that the United States is focused on the East Asia region; so, it seems not to be logical for the Biden administration to be involved in a war in the West Asia region.

Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA