Foreign Affairs

Approval of strategic document for reforming banking system with the aim of directing liquidity towards productive, job-creating activities

The strategic document for reforming the banking system with the aim of directing liquidity towards productive and job-creating activities and increasing the access of households and economic actors to banking facilities and credit was approved by the Cabinet’s Economic Coordination Board.

In the Tuesday evening meeting of the Cabinet’s Economic Coordination Board, which was held under the chairmanship of Ayatollah Dr Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi, the strategic document for reforming the banking system was approved.

In this document, which was compiled with the participation of various institutions, including the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance and the Central Bank, increasing the access of households and economic actors to bank loans and credits and directing liquidity towards productive and job-creating activities are considered.

Also, in this meeting, after presenting the report of the Ministry of Cooperatives, Labour and Social Welfare about the measures taken to pay the pension and year-end bonus of the pensioners of various pension funds, the solutions proposed by this ministry to provide the necessary liquidity for the timely payment of the mentioned items in mid-March were approved by the Cabinet’s Economic Coordination Board.

Source: Presidency of Islamic Republic of Iran