
Arab League calls for intensifying joint work to adapt to variables

Arab League Secretary General Ahmad Abulgheit called Wednesday for intensifying joint Arab work to cope and adapt with all variables shifting and disrupting the international scene.

Abulgheit in his inaugural speech at the league’s 160th ministerial session called the ongoing Ukrainian crisis a frightening reappearance of major power conflicts, and all that they entails of detrimental ramifications on global peace and its security, political and economic dimensions.

Latest developments, expounded Abulgheit, call for fortifying group work between parties and coordinating between countries, to ensure strategic independence and present joint work platforms handling issues of national interest.

He relayed the success of the Arab League in boosting partnerships with international powers across various levels, stating that such partnerships hold strategic significance.

The Arab-bloc chief went on to speak about the situation in Sudan saying that the persistence of the clashes pushes the country closer to the brink of civil war and they have no desire to see the Sudanese people slip into such a situation.

He stated that this requires a comprehensive solution beginning with sustainable armistice to pave the way for a political solution guaranteeing unity.

As for the Yemeni situation, Abulgheit commented that the arrival at political settlement remains to be farfetched despite de-escalation efforts.

He further stressed that preserving a united Yemen, with complete sovereignty away from foreign infringements is an aim sought after by all, and is attainable should Houthi side realize that they could be part of a comprehensive political process.

Abulgheit toke note of the recent rejoining of Syria and what it brought about of Arab engagement in addressing the crisis, its causes and consequences.

The Palestinian case is facing perilous challenges due to positions adopted by Israeli occupation extremist government, stated Abulgheit as he called this government and its provocative policies part of the issue rather than the solution.

On that note, he called on the international community to take responsibility and put an end to this deteriorating situation.

The Arab top official noted the upcoming Arab economic developmental and social summit, saying that global economic crises are a priority to agendas of Arab states.

Source: Kuwait News Agency