
Arab League Secretary General Condemns Israeli Assault on West Bank

Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul Gheit has strongly condemned the aggressive military operation launched by the Israeli occupation forces in the West Bank, which has resulted in the deaths of more than 11 Palestinians and the imposition of a comprehensive blockade on major cities and wide areas in the West Bank.

In a statement, Aboul Gheit said, “The brutal incursions and attacks, and the killing operations” carried out by the occupation in northern West Bank cities, as well as the destruction of infrastructure and the siege of hospitals, “represent a dangerous trend aimed at subjugating the Palestinian people, overturning the remnants of signed agreements, and re-annexing Palestinian lands in implementation of the agenda of the extreme right-wing.”

Aboul Gheit added that the Israeli occupation is waging a war of extermination against the Palestinians everywhere and that the latest Israeli operation in the West Bank is not related to the October 7 attacks but rather aims to make Palestinian life i
mpossible on their land, whether in the West Bank or the occupied Gaza Strip, and to practice ongoing intimidation through the desecration of blood, in implementation of displacement schemes and the liquidation of the cause.

Aboul Gheit stressed that the international community cannot remain idle in the face of this escalation, which deliberately pushes matters in the region to the brink of the abyss and opens new fronts, igniting fires in a way that drags the situation towards an explosion.

He also emphasized that the United States has failed to exert the appropriate pressure on the Israeli occupation and has succumbed to its maneuvers and the procrastination of its leaders without any real intention to reach an agreement that ends the aggressive war on Gaza and spares the region the risk of comprehensive escalation. Aboul Gheit called on the U.S. to take a clear position on the latest Israeli military operation in the West Bank.

Source: Saudi Press Agency