
Arab Parliament affirms AI governance importance

Arab Parliament Speaker Adel Al-Asoomi affirmed, Thursday, the importance of artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Arab region.

This came in a statement by Al-Asoomi at the conclusion of the preparatory committee’s Sixth Conference of the Arab Parliament, taking place on Saturday at the headquarters of the Arab League in Cairo under the title (Arab Parliamentary Vision for the Safe Utilization of AI).

The Arab Parliament, added Al-Asoomi, is keen on investing in this conference and affirmed that AI is part of daily life due to the fourth industrial revolution which cut costs and made things more efficient.

Though AI has its benefits, Al-Asoomi stressed that it is still a double-edged weapon that must be regulated through laws and guidelines for it to be utilized in a secure manner.

The preparatory committees drafted documents relating to AI regulations which will be discussed on Saturday.

Source: Kuwait News Agency