
Arab Parliament Affirms Continued International, Regional, and Parliamentary Efforts in Support of the Palestinian Cause

The Arab Parliament emphasized its ongoing international, regional, and parliamentary efforts to support the Palestinian cause, aiming for the Palestinian people to achieve their legitimate rights in full. The parliament called for mobilizing international, global, and parliamentary support to stand with Palestinians and demanded an immediate cessation of the Israeli occupation’s aggression against innocent Palestinian civilians.

This statement was issued during the fifth session of the fourth regular session of the third legislative term of the Arab Parliament, held on Saturday at the headquarters of the Arab League in Cairo.

The Arab Parliament commended the steadfastness of the Palestinian people and their resistance against the Israeli occupation, defending their homeland, security, and just cause. It also praised Palestinians’ resilience against attempts to violate the sanctity of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and against the targeting of women, children, and youth, as well as efforts by settlers, supported by
the occupying army, to dominate and abuse Palestinians.

The Arab Parliament reiterated its support for President Mahmoud Abbas’s call for an international peace conference and for taking irreversible steps towards implementing the two-state solution based on the Arab Peace Initiative and international legitimacy resolutions. This includes establishing an independent and sovereign Palestinian state on the borders of June 4, 1967, with East Al-Quds (Jerusalem) as its capital, and accepting its membership in the United Nations as a fully sovereign state like other nations. The Parliament also emphasized the need to ensure the restoration of all legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, especially their right to return and self-determination.

Moreover, the parliament commended Arab and international efforts aimed at reaching an immediate and urgent cessation of aggression against Gaza, halting hostilities, and resolving the conflict in the region based on recognized international references. It also called
for granting Palestine full membership in the United Nations, ensuring the return of displaced persons to their homes, and providing sufficient humanitarian aid to address the crisis in the Gaza Strip.

The parliament welcomed Spain’s decision to join South Africa’s lawsuit against the occupying entity in the International Court of Justice, alongside Egypt, Colombia, Mexico, Libya, Nicaragua, Bolivia, and Trkiye, in light of the Israeli intransigence and continued genocide and ethnic cleansing against the Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank.

Furthermore, the Arab Parliament welcomed recent decisions by Armenia and Slovenia to recognize the State of Palestine, following earlier recognitions by Spain, Norway, Ireland, Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago, and the Bahamas. It affirmed that these recognitions are victories for justice and the Palestinian people’s right to establish their independent state. The parliament reiterated its call for countries that have not yet recognized Palestine to tak
e this step as soon as possible, urging the international community and all countries to stand with Palestinian rights and their just cause.

The parliament also welcomed the United Nations Security Council’s (UNSC) adoption of a resolution calling for an immediate, complete ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, the full withdrawal of Israeli occupation forces from the strip, the return of displaced persons to their homes throughout the strip, and safe and unhindered access for wide-scale humanitarian aid across all areas. It urged the UNSC to compel the occupation to implement the resolution promptly and unconditionally.

The parliament also welcomed UN Secretary-General António Guterres’s decision to place the Israeli occupation on the blacklist of states and organizations violating children’s rights. This step is considered a positive move towards holding the Israeli entity accountable for its crimes against the Palestinian people, particularly children and women, aiming to put an end to these violations.

The p
arliament condemned Israeli decisions to legalize settlements in the West Bank, rejecting attempts by the Israeli occupation to legitimize these settlements and approve further construction in the West Bank. Such actions aim to alter the historical and legal status quo in the occupied Palestinian territories, constituting serious attempts to deliberately undermine the Palestinian cause.

The parliament also denounced the occupation’s attempt to classify UNRWA as a “terrorist organization” and criminalize its activities, reiterating the vital and important role that the agency plays in providing aid and relief to approximately 6.4 million Palestinian refugees. It demanded protection for relief organizations and their employees, especially UNRWA, which plays a major humanitarian role in providing aid and services for Palestinians in the occupied Palestinian territories, including the Gaza Strip.

Additionally, the Arab Parliament called for rejecting any attempts to forcibly displace Palestinians in the West
Bank and Gaza Strip, and for combating displacement in all its forms, including forced internal displacement, which constitutes a clear violation of international law. It emphasized the necessity of enabling the people of Gaza to return to their homes from which they were displaced due to aggression.

The parliament condemned the massacres carried out by the Israeli occupation entity on a daily basis in the Gaza Strip, calling on the international community to continue to pressure the occupying entity to stop the aggression, ethnic cleansing, and war of extermination in the Gaza Strip. It also called for the complete Israeli withdrawal from the strip and for providing protection for defenseless civilians in accordance with international legitimacy resolutions, relevant UNSC resolutions, and international humanitarian law.

The parliament called for the rapid, secure, and unimpeded intensification of humanitarian aid to civilian populations within the Gaza Strip, in accordance with relevant UNSC resolutions,
including Resolution 2720. It also warned of the catastrophic consequences of the humanitarian situation, famine, and the collapse of the health system in the strip.

The parliament also denounced the crimes and violations committed by the Israeli occupation and its extremist colonial settlers against the Palestinian people in the West Bank, the ongoing violations of sanctities in the city of Jerusalem, and the continuing escalation in settlement construction by demolishing homes, burning, and vandalizing farms and properties, with the intention of re-displacing Palestinians and obliterating their cause.

Additionally, the parliament affirmed the necessity of providing full support to UNRWA, emphasizing that this is a global responsibility that must be fulfilled. It condemned the systematic Israeli incitement campaigns aimed at undermining UNRWA’s role and urged all countries that have decided to freeze their funding to reconsider their decisions. It noted positively the decisions of some countries to resum
e funding and warned that the cessation of UNRWA’s operations would deprive over two million Palestinians of essential life-sustaining services.

The parliament called for the necessity of coordination among Arab and active regional parliaments to support Palestine in obtaining full membership in the United Nations, urging countries that have not yet recognized the State of Palestine to do so in all international forums.

The Arab Parliament also called on international, regional, and friendly parliaments to urge their countries to pressure the Israeli occupation entity to stop its brutal aggression and genocidal war against the Palestinians and to prosecute the officials of the occupying entity and hold them accountable for their brutal crimes committed against the Palestinian people. It noted that this should be done within international and national justice mechanisms, including within the framework of the International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Court, and national courts with universa
l jurisdiction.

Source: Saudi Press Agency