
Arab Parliament Condemns Escalation of Settlers’ Crimes in the West Bank

Cairo: The Arab Parliament condemned the escalating crimes and violations by settlers against unarmed Palestinians in villages, towns, camps, and cities in the West Bank. These violations include shooting at Palestinians and burning their homes and vehicles, all under the protection of the Israeli occupation forces.

The Arab Parliament, in a statement today, held the Israeli occupation entity and the extremist right-wing government fully and directly responsible for the inciting calls and the subsequent crimes and violations that violate international law and all legitimate international resolutions.

These actions lead to escalating tensions and undermine the prospects for a two-state solution, the parliament said.

The Arab Parliament also called on the international community and the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to provide international protection for the Palestinian people and urgently intervene to compel the Israeli occupation to cease all its colonial activities and immediately stop the Israe
li aggression on the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

Source: Saudi Press Agency