
Arab Parliament Speaker: There Is International Consensus on the Need to Ceasefire in Gaza Now

Speaker of the Arab Parliament and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Arab Observatory for Human Rights Adel bin Abdulrahman Al-Asoomi emphasized that the call for a ceasefire in Gaza has evolved from an Arab appeal to a global demand, that has reached broad international consensus.

He said the ceasefire is a humanitarian and moral necessity and a strategic imperative to prevent the region from descending into large-scale conflict.

In his remarks during the second meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Arab Observatory for Human Rights, held today in Cairo, Al-Asoomi condemned the occupying power’s blatant violations of international law and humanitarian norms, arguing that its actions not only harm Palestinians but also undermine the global legal system that the glaring double standards in the application of human rights principles have deeply shaken.

Al-Asoomi expressed support for the conclusions reached by the Joint Ministerial Contact Group of the Arab League and the Organization of Islamic
Cooperation following their meeting in Madrid. The group reaffirmed commitment to the two-state solution as the only path to lasting peace and security.

He urged the international community to take concrete steps toward implementing the two-state solution, and called on all parties, including UN member states, to participate in an expanded meeting on “The situation in Gaza and the Implementation of the two-state solution as a path to achieving just and comprehensive peace” at the September 26 UN General Assembly session.

Source: Saudi Press Agency