
Ayatollah Raisi appoints Hojjatoleslam Taghavi and Haji Abolghassem as members of the Presidential Coordination Council with the seminary and the clergy

In order to strengthen the relationship between the President’s office and the maraji, Friday prayer imams, clerics and seminaries President appointed Hojjatoleslam Seyyed Reza Taghavi and Hojjatoleslam val-Moslemin Mohammad Haji Abolghassem Dulabi as members of the Presidential Coordination Council with the seminary and the clergy.

Ayatollah Dr Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi has stated in the letters of appointment, “I hope that by relying on God Almighty, while taking advantage of the interaction and cooperation of thinkers and intellectuals in this field, you will strive diligently to achieve the high goals of the government”.

Source: Presidency of Islamic Republic of Iran