
Bagheri, Mora agree on resumption of talks within one month

Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri, who is in Brussels, has met at the EU Headquarters with Enrique Mora, Deputy Secretary-General of the EU External Action Service, to discuss the effective lifting of sanctions and the adherence of other parties to their commitments under the Iran nuclear deal. Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri, who is in Brussels, has met at the EU Headquarters with Enrique Mora, Deputy Secretary-General of the EU External Action Service, to discuss the effective lifting of sanctions and the adherence of other parties to their commitments under the Iran nuclear deal.

Bagheri also said Iran has experienced several years of negligence in the implementation of the JCPOA and finally the unilateral and illegal withdrawal of the United States from the agreement as well as the inaction of European countries in fulfilling their undertaken commitments. He added that what is important for Iran is the effective lifting of sanctions and normalization of trade and economic relations between other countries and Iran, and any agreement must meet Iran’s demands in this regard.

Bagheri said Iran will not relinquish its demand for a guarantee that negligence and illegal behavior on part of other sides will not happen again.

During the meeting, Bagheir and Mora reviewed the main obstacles to the forthcoming talks and agreed to start negotiations in November.

Source: Presidency of Islamic Republic of Iran