
Brics leaders voice concern regarding conflicts

Leaders of the Brics member states on Thursday expressed concern regarding current conflicts on the world stage and urged for seeking conciliation through peaceful means.

The Brics leaders, in the final statement of their 15th summit, held in Johannesburg, South African, welcomed restoration of diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran and emphasized necessity of seeking stability and peace in the region. They renewed support for Yemen’s sovereignty and independence, greeted efforts that had led to a truce but urged for a political settlement to end the conflict.

On Syria, they expressed support for all efforts aimed at a reaching a viable political solution, manifested concern regarding the deteriorating humanitarian conditions in the occupied Palestinian territories, mounting violence in the shadow of the occupation and expansion of settlements. They re-affirmed necessity of establishing two states to settle the crisis.

The leaders called for immediate cessation of hostilities in Sudan and expressed worries regarding the fragile situation in Niger. As to Libya, they re-affirmed backing for the country’s independence, territorial sanctity and support for the political process, mediated by the UN.

Regarding Iran’s nuclear file, the Brics leaders called for tackling the issue through diplomatic means.

Source: Kuwait News Agency