Foreign Affairs

By resisting economic war, Iranians rubbed enemy’s nose in the dirt/ Special zones have turned from importers and consumers into exporters and producers/ Sanctions to be lifted soon, foreign capital to flow to Iran

The President called the inauguration of national and development projects every week since the beginning of the year 1399 a very good sign for the whole world in expressing the fact that Iranians are interested in the development of their country and the problems and obstacles resulting from oppressive sanctions and economic war of the enemy and the spread of coronavirus cannot hinder the development and progress of the country.

Speaking on Monday at the inauguration ceremony of national plans and projects of free and special economic zones of the country, Dr Hassan Rouhani stated, “The process of the country’s development and the increase in investment in infrastructural projects in different fields shows that people are hopeful of the future and the country”.

Dr Rouhani stated that the Iranian people, by resisting the economic war and the oppressive sanctions, rubbed the nose of the enemy in the dirt, saying, “In recent days, American officials have admitted their mistake after a long time and have expressed readiness to lift the embargo on the COVID-19 vaccine, while we are a manufacturer of vaccines today and we do not need foreign countries for supplying equipment, including masks”.

In another part of his speech, referring to the importance of free and special economic zones in the country’s economy, the President said, “Today, free zones have developed and have turned from importers and consumers to exporters and producers, and have become the bridge between Iran and neighbours and different countries of the world”.

Emphasising that free zones should propeller of foreign investment, Dr Rouhani said, “Sanctions will be lifted soon and foreign capital will flow to Iran”.

At the beginning of his speech, the President congratulated Imam Reza’s (AS) birthday and thanked the people of Iran for fulfilling their great political and social responsibility and participating in the presidential elections at this historic juncture.

“During the three-and-a-half-year full-scale economic war against the Iranian people, everything we said was that the White House oppressors boycotted everything, but some did not believe,” Dr Rouhani said, referring to a US official acknowledging the extent of US sanctions.

The president added, “This confession showed that the oppressors of the White House imposed a complete siege against the Iranian nation for three and a half years, and the new US administration has continued the same path for the past five months despite different slogans “.

Dr Rouhani stated, “When the Americans see that the Iranian nation is self-sufficient in producing masks and even exporters and has been successful in producing vaccines, they just announce that they will lift the embargo on the purchase of masks and vaccines for Iran”.

The president described the continued inauguration of major development projects across the country as a strong response to the United States, saying, “Inauguration that take place on Thursdays showed that the Americans may be able to impose sanctions on the Iranian people, but they will never be able to shut down production and work in this country”.

Source: Presidency of Islamic Republic of Iran