
Case Preparation Center Provides Over 620,000 Services since Inauguration

The Case Preparation Center of the Saudi Ministry of Justice (MoJ) has provided over 620,000 services since it was inaugurated.

The center plays a crucial role in supporting the judicial system and advancing the delivery of prompt justice.

‘As part of MoJ’s broader efforts to enhance court efficiency, the Case Preparation Center offers a range of services, including the preliminary review of claim files, management of notices, drafting of judgments, and preparing bankruptcy applications,’ the MoJ said in a press release.

‘These services are designed to ensure that claim files are thoroughly prepared, thereby improving the effectiveness and speed of judicial proceedings.’

The center is staffed by over 260 legal professionals and is further supported by more than 4,000 experts registered on the “Khibrah” expert witness platform. This specialized workforce is essential to maintaining a high standard of quality of operations.

The establishment of the Case Preparation Center was one of MoJ’s initiatives
aimed at constantly improving the quality of judicial rulings, enhancing operational efficiency and transparency, and strengthening the judicial system.

Source: Saudi Press Agency