
Charlie Hebdo’s desecration amid phony freedom of speech in West

Tehran, IRNA – The French satirical weekly magazine of Charlie Hebdo, which once insulted the Holy Prophet to pursue Islamophobia recently desecrated the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran to propagate Iranophobia, while the French authorities have been very sensitive when it comes to writing on Zionism.

The name Charlie Hebdo associates with humiliation, insult, and defamation under the guise of freedom of speech and beliefs, but in fact, they misuse the concept to put forward their own ideological and political agendas.

The recent insulting cartoons against the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution faced numerous criticisms. Iran’s Foreign Ministry summoned the French Ambassador in Tehran Nicolas Roche, who was informed about Iran’s strong protest of the disrespectful measures of the journal insulting Islamic sanctities and national values.

There is a golden principle in the science of law, which emphasizes that an individual is free to do whatever he/she wants until their freedom does not hurt others, but the magazine and their likeminded people in the government observe no limitation for their freedom and feel that they are allowed to disrespect other people’s sanctities and rights.

In 2009, Maurice Sinét, known professionally as Siné, a cartoonist for the French magazine Charlie Hebdo, was forced to resign because he had criticized the marriage of Jean Sarkozy, the son of former French President Nicolas Sarkozy, with Jessica Darty, a Jewish girl who came from a rich family and converted to Judaism with the motivation of money.

A court in France in 1998, fined French philosopher Roger Garaudy for 40,000 dollars because of writing the book Mythes fondateurs de la politique israélienne (The Founding Myths of Modern Israel). The court accused him of denying Holocaust and racial defamation.

Thus, the West adopts double standards, when it comes to freedom of speech and religion. Once someone hesitates the issue of the Holocaust, it is seen as a crime, while disrespecting the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) and Iran’s Supreme Leader is a sort of freedom of speech in the eyes of the Westerners!


Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA