
China urges US to lift all anti-Iran sanctions

The Chinese embassy in Tehran wrote on its website on the sixth anniversary of the 2015 nuclear deal also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) between Iran and the P5+1 (the US, the UK, France, Russia, China plus Germany) that China’s Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian answered CCTV reporter on Thursday that the anti-Iran bans should be removed thoroughly.

Lijian stated, “July 14 marks the sixth anniversary of the JCPOA on the Iranian nuclear issue. The JCPOA, the result of 13 years of painstaking negotiations, is an important outcome of multilateral diplomacy endorsed by UN Security Council Resolution 2231. It is a classic example of resolving disputes through dialogue and consultation, and a key pillar for upholding the international non-proliferation regime and promoting peace and stability in the Middle East.

Joint efforts to safeguard and implement the JCPOA serve the common interests of the international community.”

The Chinese spokesman further noted that the United States should abide by its commitments under the international accord and show sincerity.

“China always believes that the full and effective implementation of the deal is the only effective way to resolve the Iranian nuclear issue. China welcomes the fact that the US seeks to return to the JCPOA. In the meantime, the US side needs to show sincerity by taking concrete actions to regain the trust of the international community, the spokesperson said.

Referring to the Joint Commission meetings of the JCPOA in the Austrian capital Vienna, he mentioned, “Negotiations on resuming the compliance of the deal have entered the final stage. All parties have shown their political will to reach an agreement, but there are still some differences that need to be bridged. The US should make an early decision to comprehensively and completely lift its illegal unilateral sanctions against Iran and third parties, while Iran should fully resume its compliance on this basis.”

He also pointed to the role of Beijing in resolving the existing dispute on the revival of the nuclear deal, saying, “As an important party to the JCPOA, China is firmly committed to upholding the authority and effectiveness of the JCPOA and the Security Council resolution and taking a constructive part in the negotiations between the US and Iran to resume compliance. We will work on all parties to build consensus, bridge differences and bring the JCPOA back on the right track at an early date. No matter how the situation may change, China will always stand on the right side of history, uphold justice, advance the political settlement of the Iranian nuclear issue through diplomatic means, and safeguard the international non-proliferation regime and peace and stability in the Middle East. In the meantime, we will firmly safeguard our legitimate rights and interests.”

Iran and the P4+1 group, including the UK, France, China, Russia plus Germany, have held sixth rounds of talks in Vienna in order to revive the JCPOA and pave the ground for Washington and Tehran to resume their obligations under the nuclear deal. There are still issues to be discussed in Vienna when the negotiating teams are expected to resume talks in mid-August.

Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA