
Compensating for country’s shortcomings requires a concerted effort/ Emphasis on gov’t determination to divide facilities in provinces based on spatial management/ Supply of 1k MW of electricity from Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant not desirable

The President described the strengthening of the spirit of hope and trust among the people necessary for the growth and prosperity of the country and said, “All the provinces in the country have unique capacities to create positive change and achieve the desired conditions, so there is no room for despair and hopelessness”.

Speaking on Friday evening in a meeting with elites, clerics, families of martyrs, veterans and representatives of different groups of the people of Bushehr province, Ayatollah Dr Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi stated that despair and hopelessness are of enemies, saying, “Today, we must create hope and trust in the people with our deeds and actions”.

The President said, “Today, we must restore the damaged trust in the society based on the revolutionary and jihadist movement and based on rationality”.

Mr Raisi further pointed out that there are suitable conditions and grounds for the realisation of a healthy society in the context of the second step of the revolution, and said, “Eliminating some shortcomings and backwardness to achieve a society with justice requires public efforts”.

The President described justice as the main axis of creating a healthy society and said, “We are determined to create a balance in the distribution of the country’s facilities based on spatial management, and next year’s budget will be compiled on the same basis and with the axis of justice”.

Emphasising providing Bushehr province with its share of reserves such as oil, gas and petrochemicals, Ayatollah Raisi said, “In the 1401 budget, the approach will be to provide for the provinces which are deprived but have mineral reserves and resources”.

Referring to his visit to the Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant, the President said, “Supplying 1000 megawatts of electricity from this power plant is not desirable at all, and in the first step, its electricity generation capacity must be increased to 2000 megawatts, and soon the tripling of electricity generated from this power plant will begin”.

Ayatollah Raisi added, “In the next step, we must reach the production capacity of 10,000 megawatts of electricity from the nuclear industry in order to achieve an acceptable amount of electricity generated from this industry in the next two or three years”.

Dr Raisi said, “In the field of water supply through the nuclear power plant, there is a capacity to increase the supply of drinking water through this; Activation of desalination plants is also one of the government’s priorities”.

The President further emphasised on using the capacity of the talented young people, women and men of the province and said, “We deeply believe in the capacity of the revolutionary young people of the country and we are determined to use this capacity in various sectors”.

Referring to demands for the activation of economic diplomacy, Ayatollah Raisi said, “The government has this issue on the agenda and cooperation with neighbours and increasing Iran’s share in regional trade is very important and we believe that the current volume of economic exchanges can be easily doubled”.

Source: Presidency of Islamic Republic of Iran