
Conclusion of Vienna talks depends on accepting Iran redlines

Vienna, IRNA – As soon as the Western parties of the talks in Vienna, Austria, accept Iranian redlines, the sides involved in the negotiations will reach final agreement.

Top negotiators from European trio (Britain, France and Germany) left Vienna on Friday for political consultations in their capitals; then, they will return for resumption of talks to finalize a draft text for potential Vienna agreement.

On the other hand, the world is waiting for the result of an ongoing trip by Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Rafael Grossi to Tehran. He is going to hold talks with Head of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Mohammad Eslami as well as some other Iranian authorities on continuation of technical cooperation and consultations on outstanding issues related to allegations on the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program.

The IAEA put forward accusations on undeclared nuclear activities in Iran, which is a part of joint plot by the Zionist regime and former US administration in a bid to delegitimize Tehran’s peaceful nuclear program and exert more pressures on Iranians.

The Islamic Republic has ruled out such an allegation, arguing that the accusation is not consistent with history of IAEA-Iran cooperation, and that countries like Iran are not tasked with unlimited commitments under the safeguards agreements.

Iran’s Ambassador to the Vienna-based international organizations Kazem Gharibabadi urged the IAEA to stop prejudgment and exaggeration on some insignificant issues.

Since the Zionist regime has tied its existence to fake crises, it persists on derailing efforts to resolve the nuclear case; so, the Zionists have attempted to sabotage the Vienna talks in recent weeks.

The regime’s Prime Minister Naftali Bennett held talks with Rafael Grossi prior to the IAEA director general’s visit to Tehran in order to voice the regime’s concern on the Vienna talks as well as Iran’s open cases by the IAEA.

Spokesman for the Atomic Energy Agency Organization of Iran (AEOI) Behrouz Kamalvandi has traveled to Vienna and reached breakthrough in resolving alleged open cases.

The trend indicates that consultations in recent two weeks moved forward and it is expected that today’s meetings in Tehran will outline a roadmap to resolve outstanding issues on Iran’s nuclear program.

However, the Iranian negotiating team is determined to pursue remaining differences on lifting sanctions, verification of future measures, assurances on potential agreement as well as nuclear issues in the Vienna talks.

Mikhail Ulyanov, Russian representative in the Vienna talks, told IRNA correspondent Friday night that the Iranian colleagues are fighting like lions and scrutinize every word of the final text, and that the delegations involved in the negotiations have reached unofficial consensus on general issues and there has been left only a few steps to reach finish line.

He also explained that there has been no allied front against Iran in the Vienna talks especially when it comes to Russia and China.

In coming days, negotiations will be held at the presence of foreign ministers from involved states in the Joint Commission meetings of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), he said, noting that the talks will come to an end and final agreement will be announced in that day.

Aside from optimistic approach of the Russian diplomat, it seems that representatives from Iran, the European Union and the P4+1 group (Britain, France, Russia, China plus Germany) go ahead with intensive meetings in Vienna, leading to progress in the talks.

Of course, such improvements cannot be translated into conclusion of the Vienna talks.

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian emphasized in a phone call with High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell on Friday that Tehran is ready to reach good and immediate agreement, but the Western side’s eagerness for hasty consensus cannot stop Iran from protecting its redlines.

Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA