
Despite the great potential of Bushehr province, talking about problems and unemployment in this province is not tolerable

Referring to the vast capacities of Bushehr province for growth and development, the president said, “Despite these abundant capacities, talking about problems and unemployment and sometimes social harms in the province is not tolerable.”

Speaking on Friday upon arrival in Bushehr province, Ayatollah Dr Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi stated that before the trip, expert reviews have been done on the situation of the province and the problems of the people of this region, adding, “In this trip, lasting steps will be taken for resolving the problems and deprivations of Bushehr province”.

Referring to the very high capacities of Bushehr province in the fields of agriculture, fisheries, date palms and oil, gas and petrochemical sectors, the President stressed the need to activate the economy of sea, agriculture, fisheries and date palms in this province.

Ayatollah Raisi added, “Effective steps must be taken in the field of oil, gas and petrochemicals to solve the problems and deprivations of the province”.

The President stated, “Infrastructure measures in the water, electricity, transportation roads and especially the connection of the province to the national rail are also among the measures that will be decided during this trip so that lasting steps can be taken to solve the fundamental problems of the people of the province”.

Source: Presidency of Islamic Republic of Iran