Foreign Affairs

Egypt, Tunisia FMs Discuss Bilateral Ties, Regional, Int’l Challenges

Egypt’s Foreign Minister Badr Abdel-Aati stressed the deep-rooted fraternal ties between Egypt and Tunisia, saying Cairo pins great importance to bolstering bilateral relations at all levels.

During a phone, Minister Abdel-Aati made on Wednesday 28/8/2024 with Tunisian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mohamed Ali Nafti to congratulate him on assuming his new post, the Egyptian chief diplomat underscored growing pace of coordination between the two countries regarding regional and international challenges.

He also pointed to the consistent bilateral contacts on issues of common concern, Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ahmed Abu Zeid said in a press release.

In addition, Abdel Aaty said he looks forward to working with Minister Nafti on further consolidating relations, promote mutual interests, for the good of both peoples, Abu Zeid said.

For his part, Nefti appreciated Minister Abdel-Aati’s gesture and voiced hopes for continued co-operation and close coordination, building on the solid and historical bonds that b
ind Egypt and Tunisia, both at the bilateral, Arab and African levels.

The two sides also highlighted the great interest of the leadership in Egypt and Tunisia in further elevating bilateral ties in all fields, in a manner that would live up to the expectations of both peoples.

Source: State Information Service Egypt