
Entire world should be aware of Trump administration’s inhumane crimes against Iranian nation/ Emphasis on the need to publish the document of the economic war and the document of the nation’s resistance

The 233rd meeting of the Cabinet’s Economic Coordination Board was held on Tuesday under the chairmanship of the President.

The President stated, “It is necessary for the public to be aware of the document of the crimes happened in the imposed economic war and comprehensive and unprecedented sanctions so that the whole world becomes aware of the Trump administration’s inhumane crimes against the Iranian nation”.

Referring to the effects of the economic war and its impact on the economic development of the country and the life and livelihood of the people, Dr Rouhani said, “Crimes against humanity is normally regarded as military war, while sanctions and economic war must be recognised and record a silent crime against humanity”.

The President said, “Along with the document of Trump’s crime, which hindered the development of a country and a nation, it also damaged people’s livelihood and even health and treatment, and these crimes must be presented to the world as a document of resistance and management to deal with the economic war”.

Dr Rouhani said, “The fact that after three and a half years of economic war, the sanctioners are acknowledging their defeat today is a great proof of the victory of the Iranian nation and effective management against the economic war”.

Referring to the remarkable performance of the industry and mining sector in the year 1399 in spite of all sanctions and pandemic pressures, the President praised the efforts of craftsmen, investors, workers and engineers in this sector and said, “The epic story of surge in production in the country under maximum foreign pressure must not be ignored”.

Source: Presidency of Islamic Republic of Iran