
Environment Minister, OECD review Egypt’s green growth policies

Minister of Environment Yasmine Fouad Saturday 24/02/2024 held a meeting with representatives of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) to review its report on Egypt’s policies of green growth.

The minister praised cooperation with the OECD, noting that the environment sector is deemed one of the key sectors that has faced several challenges, especially following the outbreak of coronavirus (COVD-19).

She reviewed progress achieved in the environment sector since the establishment of the ministry and enacting the environment law and its amendments, including the inclusion of the biodiversity, wastes and climate sectors to the new environment law.

The minister highlighted the establishment of the Waste Management Regulatory Authority to regulate the processes of waste management nationwide.

She touched on the Egypt’s Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS) that seeks involving sustainability criteria into state’s plans and budget, making 100 percent of state’s projects green ones b
y the year 2030.

Renewed reform efforts helping to promote private sector activity and investment would help boost growth, which is currently slowing amid high domestic inflation, and would support the creation of more high-quality jobs, according to the OECD report.

The first OECD Economic Survey of Egypt projects GDP growth to ease to 3.2% in fiscal year 2023/24, before increasing gradually to 5.1% by fiscal year 2025/26.

Egypt has ample scope to increase private sector activity and productivity, according to the Survey.

Source: State Information Service Egypt