
Environmental Public Authority praises Kuwait cabinet decision on nature reserves violators

Acting Director General of the Kuwait Environment Public Authority (EPA) Eng. Sameera Al-Kandari praised on Wednesday the decision of the cabinet to coordinate with the Fatwa and Legislation Department. The decision was made to take legal measures to amend articles related to tightening of penal and financial penalties on violators to protect nature reserves. In a statement to the EPA, Al-Kandari assured that the decision comes under the framework of the authority’s keenness to enhance the environmental conditions in the country, especially in areas of developing vegetation cover, combatting desertification, and preserving biodiversity.

She pointed out that this trend corresponds with the authority’s vision to implement the Environmental Protection Law No. (42) of year 2014 and its amendments.

Al-Kandari added that the authority will keep its efforts going in implementing the law and to preserve the rights of citizens and expats under the high leadership of the country. The cabinet directed yesterday Tuesd
ay the EPA to quickly coordinate with the Fatwa and Legislation Department to take legal measures to amend the articles around tightening financial penalties on violators to protect natural reserves and ensure Environmental Law No. 42 is implemented. The law ensures that no land or marine creatures inside the reserves is harmed or any of their contents destroyed in any way, this comes out of responsibility and permanent cooridation with the program of the United Nations to rehabilitate the nature of Kuwait.

Source: Kuwait News Agency