
Eslami: AEOI’s main priority development of accelerators

Tehran, IRNA – Vice president and head of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) said here on Tuesday that the development of accelerators is among AEOI’s main priorities and hardworking technicians in nuclear industry must manufacture those precious facilities.

Mohammad Eslami who heading a delegation of high-ranking AEOI officials travelled to Qazvin visited the Parto Rarayand Novin Center, the Cheshme Noor Iran Plan, the Atomic Energy High School, Dr. Salehi Museum and Salehiyeh Mosque and was informed about the completing process of the project and the ongoing activities.

The AEOI chief during his visit to the Parto Rarayand Novin Center talked with the managers of that complex and was familiarized with the difficulties an issues related to the facilities and the systems that are being put to use, a part of whose facilities are made in Iran.

“The deficiencies must be identified and the AEOI will support this project wherever it is needed. So the managers and technicians of the complex must wholeheartedly stick to their jobs. This project is in need of a time schedule so that the affiliated companies and those whose work is related to this project will offer the technical support, parts manufacturing, executive affairs, and the required commercial and financial activities,” he emphasized.

The AEOI chief appreciated the efforts done and emphasized that the expertise of the personnel need to be increased and updated.

“It is necessary to study the marketing and keeping in mind that this complex will at the beginning of its activities radiate the agricultural products related to industrial townships, it also needs to acquire international popularity so that its products’ quality will be high, keeping in mind that Qazvin province is an international export center,” he said.

Eslami said that one reason why Iranian pistachios and saffron are not exported today is that the required radiation machines do not exist, and those machines are one of the country’s major needs.

He said if the AEOI will expand its radiation centers it will be a great contribution to Iran’s exports.

Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA