Foreign Affairs

EU voices concern over fate of Palestinian people

European Union High Representative Josep Borrell said Monday the situation in Palestine is deteriorating every day.

“In the last 30 years after the Oslo Agreements, we cannot say that we are closer to peace between Israel and Palestine. On the contrary, the number of settlements has increased a lot,” he told reporters in New York on the sidelines of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly.

“For us, Europeans, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is very important. It is in our neighbourhood. And we see how it is deteriorating every day. We are very much concerned for the fate of the Palestinian people,” Borrell noted.

“As neighbours, we have strong ties with the region. I cannot repeat it but historically, economically, personally, we – as Europeans – have a clear interest in the Middle East Peace Process, and also a responsibility for that,” he said.

Borrell was speaking to the press after a meeting attended by the EU, Saudi Arabia, Arab league in cooperation with Egypt and Jordan launched a joint effort to reinvigorate the peace process in the Middle East .

The ‘Peace Day Effort’ Ministerial-level meeting launched three senior-level Working Groups that will be concretely elaborating on bilateral, regional and global approaches. They will start in one month from now in Brussels. “We want to inject new energy into the peace process. We know that the parties are not ready. They cannot start another round of negotiations, but we cannot stay idle repeating the mantra of the Two-State Solutions without doing all we can to get it,” Borrell added.

Source: Kuwait News Agency