
Fenaa Alawwal Set to Launch the First Edition of ‘Muntada FAA’

Fenaa Alawwal (FAA) announced today the launch of ‘Muntada FAA’, set to take place in the center’s premises in the Diplomatic Quarters in Riyadh, from 15 to 19 September 2024. The Muntada (Arabic word for ‘Forum’) aims to provide a space for knowledge exchange, introspection, and exploration of contemporary art practices in Saudi Arabia in the context of the creative transformation in the Kingdom.

Designed and developed by Fenaa Alawwal, ‘Muntada FAA’ first edition is co-curated with afikra. Under the title “Introspection: Role of Contemporary Art Practices In a Time of Change’, it aims to shed light on how collaborative and community-based events and productions revolving around the arts contribute to driving the wheel of societal participation towards broader horizons. Five panel discussions will be held over five days, bringing together 24 creative artists, thinkers, writers, and experts in the field of art to explore a diverse range of topics including: Saudi artists’ role in shaping the Kingdom’s globa
l image; Saudi Youth Culture: Music, Street Art and Fashion; Being an Art Professional: Navigating Creativity in a Structural Set-up; Cultural Hubs: The Emergence of Art Districts in Saudi Urban Centers; The Intersection of Food and Art.

In addition to the panel discussions, ‘Muntada FAA’ will offer three keynote talks by renowned public figures in the arts and culture scene who will share their experience and knowledge with the audience. The programme will also include an interactive ‘Kitchen Lab’ experience with a celebrated chef, and a ‘Culinary Performance’.

In line with Fenaa Alawwal’s role as a unique cultural and creative hub that inspires cross-cultural exchange and dialogue, ‘Muntada FAA’ aims to bring together a diverse community of creative thinkers to inspire the community, ignite debate, and unlock new directions for art and culture.

For more information on the programme and agenda, the public is invited to follow Fenaa Alawwal’s social media accounts. Seats are limited, and tickets can be p
urchased through Discover Culture platform on this link:

Source: Saudi Press Agency