
FM says France stance on Iran riots ‘unfriendly’

Tehran, IRNA – Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian on Wednesday criticized France for its “unfriendly” stance on instigating riots in Iran, and called comments by some French officials “meddlesome.”

During a phone conversation with his French counterpart Catherine Colonna, Amirabdollahian said that “Iran always prefers the path of diplomacy and negotiations, but as you have witnessed, our measures are quick, effective and reciprocal based on a retaliatory stance”.

He also criticized the European Parliament for its recent resolution calling on the European Union to put the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) on its terror list.

Amirabdollahian called the stance “unconstructive”, saying that the IRGC is a governing body and protects the national security of Iran. It is also playing an important role in safeguarding the security of the region and fighting terrorism, he added.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran is carefully monitoring the behavior of the European Union and will take its next steps accordingly,” the Iranian foreign minister warned.

Amirabdollahian, in the meantime, denounced French weekly Charlie Hebdo’s move to publish insulting cartoons of Iranian religious sanctities and slammed the desecration of the copies of the holy Qur’an in Sweden and the Netherlands.

On ties between France and Iran, he stressed the need for focusing on dialog and interaction, warning against taking “the failed policy” of imposing sanctions adopted by former US president Donald Trump.

The French foreign minister, for her part, said that Paris stresses the need for maintaining relations with Iran and strengthening them through talks.

Catherine Colonna said that France has not interfered in Iran’s affairs, and called for the release of French prisoners held by the Islamic Republic.

Those prisoners are accused of spying and conducting measures against Iran’s security.


Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA