
FM spox to US: Iran response to aggressors ‘firm and regrettable’

Tehran, IRNA – Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kanaani on Monday reacted to comments by two senior American officials against the Islamic Republic, saying that the US government is well aware that Iran will not tolerate any aggression against its territory and interests and will give “a firm and regrettable response.”

Kana’ani urged the US to be aware of international and legal responsibilities resulted by its anti-Iran threats and pay more attention to the “political consequences of such provocative remarks”.

On Sunday, January 29, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said “all options are available on the table to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon”.

Two days earlier, US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan issued a statement accusing Iran of using “threats and intimidation to stifle peaceful dissent”.

The Iranian spokesman said that his country has time and again stressed the peaceful nature of its nuclear activities, and repeated reports by the International Atomic Energy Agency have confirmed that.

Moreover, he added, attaining nuclear weapons has no place in the Islamic Republic of Iran’s national security doctrine.

At the same time, Kanaani said, Iran has not stopped its scientific and technological progress in the nuclear field and will pursue its development as much as it is needed based on its inalienable rights and as a member state of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty (NPT).

Further in his remarks, the Iranian official rejected “ridiculous claims” of the US to support the Iranian nation, urging Washington to “stop hypocrisy and underestimating the political vigilance of the Iranian nation.”

He said that the Iranian people, during the recent riots in their country, once again witnessed that the US and some of its European allies tried as much as they could to progress “their evil anti-Iran goals” at the cost of the country’s security through provoking and expanding the riots. But they failed in their plans as before, he added.

The Iranian foreign ministry spokesman stressed that the US and its European partners will gain nothing from spreading lies about Iran’s internal affairs, but the Islamic Republic will follow up and take into consideration their anti-Iran measures.

Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA