Foreign Affairs

FM urges raising Africa’s voice on international arena

Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry has called for raising Africa’s voice on the international arena.

Shoukry’s call came as he opened a roundtable organized by the Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding in Africa (CCCPA) entitled: “The emergence of a new era? The African peace and security regime in a changing world”.

The roundtable, held on the sidelines of the 60th edition of the Munich Security Conference on Friday, was attended by a number of ministers and senior officials from regional and international organizations, as well as heads of thinktanks and research centers, said Spokesman for the Foreign Ministry Ahmed Abu Zeid.

The foreign minister hailed Africa’s membership in the G20 group of the world’s largest economies as being a positive step.

However, he asserted that this move should be followed by other steps to address the historical injustice against Africa with regard to the UN Security Council’s membership, given the unified African position based on
the Ezulwini Consensus and the Sirte Declaration.

The spokesman noted that the foreign minister highlighted the current challenges facing the African continent on peace and security levels, citing the crises in Libya, Sudan and the Horn of Africa, as well as the war in Gaza and the repercussions of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

Those crises clearly show flaws in the existing international frameworks to achieve peace and sustainable development, Shoukry said.

The top Egyptian diplomat stated this roundtable provide an ideal opportunity for holding a constructive dialogue on advancing African and international efforts aimed at supporting global peace and security in the face of overlapping crises.

Shoukry underscored Egypt’s commitment to backing an ambitious African vision for responding to those challenges, through enhancing Africa’s leadership of the peace and development agenda in the continent.

He reviewed Egypt’s tireless efforts to settle conflicts in Africa and mitigate their grave humanitarian reperc
ussions, referring to the Sudan Neighboring Countries initiative as an example.

Source: State Information Service Egypt