
France condemns N. Korea’s ballistic missile launch

France condemned in the strongest terms, Thursday, North Korea’s launch of two ballistic missiles into the East Sea, stressing that this a violation of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions. In a statement, French Foreign Ministry affirmed its support to the Republic of Korea and Japan, while urging North Korea to immediately end its destabilizing actions.

It also called on North Korea to comply “without delay” to its international obligations and return to the negotiating table with the aim of engaging in a process of complete, verifiable and irreversible abandonment of its nuclear and ballistic programmes.

France confirmed cooperation with its partners to guarantee the implementation of the Relevant UNSC resolutions and to promote dialogue between all parties. Seoul said that it had detected North Korea’s launch of two short-range ballistic missiles towards the East Sea, in a clear protest against the joint military exercises between South Korea and the United States.

Source: Kuwait News Agency