
GCC Keen on Exploring Further Opportunities for Cooperation with CARICOM, Albudaiwi Says

Paramaribo, Secretary-General of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Jasem Mohamed Albudaiwi said that the GCC countries attach great importance to their relations with the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and are keen on exploring further opportunities for trade, investment, economy, and tourism cooperation, to benefit from the potential member states of both organizations have.

Speaking at the 16th Business Forum of the Greater Caribbean, which commenced yesterday in Paramaribo, Suriname, Albudaiwi said: “The joint ministerial meeting between the GCC and the Caribbean Community, held on September 18, 2023, in New York, confirmed the ambitious desire of the foreign ministers of the GCC countries to build stronger cooperation relations with the Caribbean countries. The two sides signed a memorandum of understanding and a joint action plan (2023-2027) that identified the main objectives and mechanisms for political dialogue, trade facilitation, investment promotion, and tourism cooperation. It will contribute to
increasing trade and investment flows between the two regions, as well as cooperation between the two sides in all international forums, and coordination of their joint efforts to address the global economy’s challenges.”

The forum is held under the patronage of President of the Republic of Suriname Chan Santokhi, and is attended by high-level personalities from CARICOM and representatives of several other countries and organizations.

Albudaiwi said that the GCC’s participation in the forum ‘carries two important messages. The first is a practical step toward developing a close and long-term partnership that serves our interests and achieves our desired goals. Second, it is evidence of the readiness, seriousness, and commitment of the GCC to enhance our relationship with the Caribbean Community through the implementation of the joint action plan that was adopted last year.”

Albudaiwi also presented figures, statistics, and achievements accomplished by the GCC countries at regional and global levels, which
earned them a place among the strongest economies in the world and made them an attraction for all these economies.

Albudaiwi said that all GCC member states, through their ambitious economic vision, aspire to build an economic bloc characterized by sustainable development, shared prosperity, a world free from poverty, and the ability to confront global economic challenges that require a commitment to shared values and objectives, to ensure a more prosperous, just, and sustainable global future.

‘Today, the GCC countries look forward to advancing their cooperation with the Caribbean Community, to implement the joint action plan, develop our mutual relations, provide an attractive climate for investment and trade between the two sides, and enhance partnership and sustainable development,’ he said.

Source: Saudi Press Agency