
GCC Ministers of Youth and Sports Hold 37th Meeting

Doha, Ministers of Youth and Sports from the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries convened their 37th meeting today in the Qatari capital, Doha. Chaired by the Minister of Sports and Youth of the State of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa bin Ahmed Al-Thani, and attended by Assistant Secretary for Economic and Development Affairs Khalid bin Ali Al-Sunaidi on behalf of the Secretary-General of the GCC, Jasem Mohamed Albudaiwi.

The Ministers expressed their appreciation to the leaders of the GCC countries, for their wise guidance and commitment to advancing the joint Gulf youth process. They aimed to achieve the GCC’s goals by enhancing cooperation, bonds, and integration among member states. They emphasized empowering youth in economic development, leveraging their creativity, providing suitable opportunities, qualifying and developing their capabilities and skills, and recognizing their pivotal role in sustainable development.

The Ministers welcomed the State of Qatar’s readiness to organize a joint Gulf
program in the field of humanitarian volunteer work. They also welcomed the Kingdom of Bahrain’s offer to organize the third Gulf Youth Forum in 2024.

The meeting covered various topics concerning youth in GCC countries, including restructuring the technical committees affiliated with the Committee of Ministers of Youth and Sports in alignment with decisions made during the 150th session of the Ministerial Council. They emphasized the importance of strengthening partnerships and engaging in international strategic dialogues with regional and international countries and organizations in the youth field. They sought to benefit from the expertise, experiences, and capabilities of these entities to help GCC youth acquire the necessary expertise and skills for achieving their aspirations.

The meeting considered the GCC General Secretariat’s proposal to explore unified Gulf projects in the youth field. They tasked the Planning, Follow-up, and Coordination Committee of Ministers of Youth and Sports of GCC countrie
s with developing the Gulf Youth Development Index and appropriate executive plans in line with current and future developments and the visions of GCC countries in the youth field.

They reviewed the future action plan of the Committee of Ministers of Youth and Sports of GCC countries for the years 2024-2030 and adopted the general framework of Gulf Youth Day for 2024, scheduled to be observed on June 6 annually.

Furthermore, the meeting approved recommendations from joint working groups in the youth field between the GCC, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, and the Kingdom of Morocco. These recommendations encompassed the results of technical committees’ work in the youth field and joint programs, activities, and events to be organized by the ministries of Youth and Sports.

Source: Saudi Press Agency