
Gun attack kills 6 worshippers in W. Afghanistan

ISLAMABAD, At least six people lost their lives when a gunman stormed into a mosque and opened fire on civilian worshippers in Afghanistan’s western Herat province, said an official on Tuesday.

Afghan Interior Ministry Spokesman Abdul Mateen Qani, in a statement to media on Tuesday, said that an unknown armed person shot at civilian worshippers in a mosque on Monday night.

He confirmed that six people were killed and another was injured in the attack that took place in Imam Zaman Mosque in Gozrah District’s Andisheh town in Herat.

The official did not issue details of the incident but initial reports confirmed that the prayer leader and a child were among the dead.

No group has so far claimed responsibility for the attack but the so-called Islamic State (IS) or Daesh has targeted minority communities in the past.

An attack in 2022 by IS targeting an education center killed at least 53 people and injured 46 others.

Source: Kuwait News Agency