
Guterres: World Central Kitchen workers’ deaths by Israeli attacks “unconscionable”

United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres described, Tuesday, the targeted “Israeli” airstrikes of World Central Kitchen (WCK) organization personnel’s consequent deaths as “unconscionable” and a “result of the way the war is being conducted.” In a speech on Human Security by Guterres during a UN General Assembly meeting, stating what had happened to WCK “demonstrates yet again the urgent need for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire,” release of hostages and aid into Gaza.

The killing of WCK personnel “brings the number of aid workers killed in this conflict to 196, including more than 175 members of UN staff,” Guterres underscored, affirming these attacks do not justify the collective punishment of Palestinians in Gaza. Guterres stressed, “Our world faces very serious challenges. Conflicts, the climate emergency, and a global cost-of-living crisis are combining to reverse decades of development gains.” “The concept of Human Security, with its emphasis on people and prevention, has an important role
to play in strengthening links at the local, national and regional levels, and creating momentum to tackle our shared challenges,” he added.

Guterres noted that this is his fourth commissioned report on Human Security “to foster this dynamic and contribute to a safer, more prosperous, more secure world for all.” The report focused on the practical and operational value of human security, frameworks, building on the experiences of Member States, regional and intergovernmental organizations, and the UN at Headquarters and in the field.

The report highlighted examples of the “Human Security approach in action: supporting national peace and development objectives; strengthening regional cooperation; improving collaboration across the UN system and our partners.” Guterres mentioned his concern of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), “where halfway to 2030, countries are lagging behind on more than half the targets. Some countries have gone into reverse on the most fundamental goals of eliminating acute pover
ty and hunger.” Therefore, “the human security lens can help capture emerging risks across different sectors, creating a better understanding not only of insecurity, but of perceived insecurity – which can be just as dangerous.” He added that human security “promotes the systematic integration of prevention into development, climate action, and peacebuilding strategies,” and “illustrates how it can guide strategies, partnerships and tools to reduce risks, enhance trust, and prevent and mitigate the impacts of crises and shocks.” He emphasized the importance of accelerating the progress of 2030 SDG to prevent the emergence of future crises, and deliver the hope people need.

Guterres urged “all countries to use the important tool of human security to address today’s multilayered crises, and to integrate its insight into efforts to prepare for future challenges.”

Source: Kuwait News Agency