
Hadhramaut Prosthetics Center Aids 370 Yemeni Patients with KSrelief Support

Hadhramaut, The Prosthetics and Rehabilitation Center in the Seiyun district of Hadhramaut governorate has provided various medical services to 370 beneficiaries from the Yemeni people who lost limbs in February 2024, with the support of the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief).

Throughout the project, a total of 1,802 services were rendered, with males constituting 57% and females 43% of the beneficiaries. Additionally, 18% of the recipients were displaced individuals, while 82% were residents.

The center offered comprehensive services including the measurement, manufacturing, fitting, delivery, and maintenance of artificial limbs and prosthetics for patients. Furthermore, rehabilitation and physiotherapy services, along with specialized consultations, were provided.

This initiative reflects the continuous efforts of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, through its humanitarian arm KSrelief, to enhance the capabilities of the health sector and alleviate the suffering of the Yemeni people.

ource: Saudi Press Agency