
Heads of GCC News Agencies Hold 23rd Meeting in Riyadh

Riyadh: The heads of news agencies of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries convened their 23rd meeting virtually today, chaired by the Director-General of Qatar News Agency (QNA), Ahmed bin Saeed Al Rumaihi.

During the meeting, they reviewed the decisions of the 26th meeting of GCC Ministers of Media regarding the joint media cooperation strategy for GCC countries from 2023 to 2030. They specifically focused on the framework for news agencies and finalized the design of the joint application for GCC news agencies. Additionally, the attendees discussed a study on misleading and false news, emphasizing the importance of enhancing media capabilities through training courses in GCC news agencies, organizing a photo exhibition during the 45th session of the Supreme Council, and holding specialized joint workshops in GCC news agencies.

Furthermore, the heads of GCC news agencies approved the program for exchanging visits between editors, photographers, and technicians among GCC news agencies for 2025. The
y also expressed commitment to providing full support to the Bahrain News Agency in media coverage during the Kingdom of Bahrain’s hosting of the 33rd Arab Summit on May 16, 2024.

The meeting was attended by several officials and representatives.

Source: Saudi Press Agency