
Heads of states stress no foreign armed forces allowed in Caspian Sea

Tehran, IRNA – Heads of States of the Caspian Sea littoral countries wrapped up their summit in Turkmenistan’s capital on Wednesday, stressing that no foreign armed forces should be present in the Caspian Sea region.

The countries; namely, Iran, Russia, Turkmenistan, the Azerbaijan Republic and Kazakhstan issued a final statement at the end of their sixth summit in Ashgabat.

It said heads of states of the Caspian Sea littoral countries, in a friendly and trusting environment, exchanged views on the most important issues of cooperation involving the five parties in the Caspian Sea, as well as key regional and international issues of interest.

They called for implementing decisions made in the previous five summits held since 2002, and stressed the importance of the Convention on the Legal Status of the Caspian Sea, which was signed on August 12, 2018.

According to the statement, the countries announced readiness to boost cooperation in different fields, including economy, culture and science, as well as to protect the security and stability of the Caspian Sea region.

They stressed that each country’s activities in that region should follow 17 principles, including respecting independence, as well as sovereignty and territorial integrity of other countries, and refraining from interference in each other’s internal affairs.

Also, use of force or threats to use it should be avoided while mutual respect and cooperation must be observed.

Other principles called for using the Caspian Sea for peaceful purposes and turning it into a region of peace, good neighborliness and friendship, where all issues are resolved peacefully.

Another principle called for a guaranteed sustainable balance between arsenals of the Caspian Sea littoral states and the development of their military capabilities without harming the security of each other.

In addition, no foreign armed forces should be present in the Caspian Sea region and no country should allow others to use its territory for military action and acts of aggression against any of the Caspian Sea littoral nations.

The five heads of state expressed satisfaction on the formation process of the legal cooperation among the Caspian Sea littoral countries and called for continued efforts to implement it.

According to the statement, they also called for stepping up efforts to prevent health emergencies and respond to outbreaks of infectious diseases.

Member states expressed support for holding their second economic summit in Russia as part of measures to expand economic cooperation.

They agreed to broaden cooperation in energy and transport sectors as well.

The member states also backed the idea of holding regular meetings by their heads of states and agreed that their next summit to be held in the Iranian capital Tehran.

Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA